Sent: Tuesday, 24 May 2011 2:00 AM To: Subject: Submission for Secondary Market Working Group Lujia, Our submission relates to the "Change of Registrant" policy. Our clients, when they go through this process, complain about the following aspects... 1) The cost, which seems out of all proportion to the regular Domain Registration/Renewal fees. 2) The resetting of the Registration/Renewal date, for no apparent reason. 3) The requirement for paperwork and photo id's, when these are not required for new Registrations. These issues are all difficult to justify to an incoming business owner, and we're aware of owners that have chosen to omit the process altogether, or to instead release the Domain back onto the market, or to start afresh with a new Domain. Surely the process needs to be improved upon if it is currently indirectly encouraging such behaviour. Regards, Bryan Parry, Systems Admin w: